Shipping up to Boston

Shipping up to Boston

This month Boston University hosted their twelfth annual Boston Area Model United Nations Conference, where CCWA delegates participated in committees on topics ranging from the Brazilian Federal Senate, the Chinese Belt & Road Initiative, and the Cabinet of the British Empire.

Most of our delegates had never attended a Model UN conference before BARMUN, and performed admirably in challenging committees against experienced delegates. Throughout the conference, delegates worked advanced their positions while cooperating to overcome crises such as the failure of the Louisiana Purchase, the dissolution of the Ukrainian state, and the assassination of two US Presidents. In particular, CCWA is proud of Head Delegate Yazan Anani for bringing home a verbal commendation for his work in a committee of East-Asian Orthodox Communists.

Outside of session, team members took the opportunity to culturally enrich themselves by exploring Caribbean cuisine, following the Freedom Trail, and learning about Chinese proverbs. Each of our delegates looks forward to learning more about international affairs and attending further MUN conferences throughout the year.

- Evan Davies

A CCWA Halloween

A CCWA Halloween

CCWA Takes on New York

CCWA Takes on New York